UVA Electricity Usage Analysis

The following plots show the electricity usage at representative buildings of UVa.
The x-axis is the day index, which runs from 9/1/2014 to 9/1/2015.
The y-axis is the unit of energy use (kBtu).


Ruffner hall is representative of administrative buildings.
There is a clear sense of seasonality, both in the days of the week and the start and emd of the semester


Lambeth Residential Area is representative of housing buildings.
We see a slight difference in electricity usage between the days of the week. It keeps running even during the breaks


O-Hill is representative of dining halls.
There is a significnant drop of usage during break days. It actually sees more usage during weekends


Olsson is representative of classroom buildings.
Olsson seems to use a lot less electricity during the weekends. Thankfully, there are no classes during the weekened.